DNS (Domain Name System) Lookup

DNS (Domain Name System) lookup is the process by which a computer translates a user-friendly website address (like www.example.com) into the numerical IP address required to locate and access the website's server on the internet. This translation involves a series of steps, including querying specialized servers, and ensures that you can access websites using familiar domain names rather than complex IP addresses.

Enter the Domain - e.g. example.com

DNS Types

  • A - A host address
  • AAAA - An IPv6 host address
  • AFSDB - AFS Data Base location
  • CAA - A certification authority authorization
  • CNAME - The canonical name for an alias.
  • HINFO - Host information
  • MB - A mailbox domain name(EXPERIMENTAL).
  • MD - A mail destination(OBSOLETE -use MX).
  • MF - A mail forwarder(OBSOLETE -use MX).
  • MG - A mail group member(EXPERIMENTAL).
  • MINFO - Mailbox or mail list information
  • MR - A mailbox rename domain name(EXPERIMENTAL).
  • MX - Mail exchange
  • NS - An authoritative name server.
  • NULL - A Null resource record(EXPERIMENTAL).
  • OPT - Option record
  • PTR - A domain name pointer.
  • RP - Responsible Person
  • RRSIG - RRSIG rfc3755
  • SOA - Marks the start of a zone of authority.
  • SRV - A resource record which specifies the location of the server(s) for a specific protocol and domain
  • TXT - Text resources
  • URI - A Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) resource record
  • WKS - A well known service description.

DNS Lookup, or Domain Name System Lookup, is like a digital phone book for the internet. It's a critical system that helps us use easy-to-remember domain names (like "google.com" or "facebook.com") to access websites and services, rather than having to remember complex numerical IP addresses.

How Does DNS Lookup Work?

Step 1 - User Request

When you type a domain name into your web browser's address bar or click on a link, your device needs to find the specific IP address associated with that domain so that it can connect to the correct web server.

Step 2 - DNS Query

Your device sends a DNS query to a DNS server. This DNS server could be provided by your internet service provider (ISP) or a public DNS service like Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS.

Step 3 - DNS Server Search

The DNS server checks its records to see if it knows the IP address for the requested domain. If it has the information, it retrieves and returns the IP address to your device.

Step 4 - Record Type

You can specify the type of DNS record you want. For instance, the most common type is the "A" record, which maps a domain name to an IPv4 address. There are various other record types like "AAAA" for IPv6 addresses, "MX" for mail servers, and more, each serving a specific purpose.

Step 5 - Response

The DNS server sends back the IP address associated with the domain (or other requested information) to your device.

Step 6 - Connection

With the IP address in hand, your device can now establish a connection with the web server linked to the domain. This enables you to access the website or service you requested, all thanks to the DNS lookup.

In summary, DNS lookup is a crucial process that converts user-friendly domain names into numeric IP addresses, facilitating communication between devices on the internet. This system makes it easier for us to navigate the web using human-readable domain names, sparing us the need to remember complex numerical strings.