nbsventilation.dk Overview - Basic Information
- Website / Domain
- nbsventilation.dk
- DK
- WhoIs Registrar
- whois.punktum.dk
- Category
- N/A
- IP Address
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- SSL Start Date
- 2024-07-05T21:25:25
- SSL Expire Date
- 2024-10-03T21:25:24
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- N/A
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nbsventilation.dk report was last analyzed
Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 5:05 UTC
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Traffic Analytics for nbsventilation.dk
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Safety Analysis of nbsventilation.dk
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- WOT Safety Status
- WOT Safety Reputation
- 0 / 100
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- 0 / 100
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- 0 / 100
- WOT Child Safety Confidence
- 0 / 100
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Hosting Details for nbsventilation.dk
IP | | ||
Country Name | Country Code | GBP | |
Continent Name | N/A | Region Name | England |
Capital | London | City Name | London |
Latitude | 51.50853 | Longitude | -0.12574 |
Zip Code | WC2N | Time Zone | +01:00 |
Currency Code | GBP | Currency Name | British Pound |
CIDR | | ASN | 63949 |
AS | Akamai Connected Cloud | Language Name | English |
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Technologies Utilized on nbsventilation.dk
SSL Certificate Validation for nbsventilation.dk
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that establishes a secure encrypted connection between a web server and a user's browser. It encrypts data transmitted over the internet, preventing unauthorized access or interception by malicious third parties.
- Chain: 0
- Serial Number: 04870ACDA2EF92D6DF3AD54F55F49A99CDC7
- Signature Algorithm: NA
- Issued Date: 2024-07-05T21:25:25
- Expires Date: 2024-10-03T21:25:24
- Issued By:
- Common Name: E6
- Organization: Let's Encrypt
- Organization Unit: NA
- Country: US
- Locality: NA
- State: NA
- Issued For: nbsventilation.dk
- Common Name: NA
- Organization: NA
- Organization Unit: NA
- Country: NA
- Locality: NA
- State: NA
- Chain: 2
- Serial Number: 008210CFB0D240E3594463E0BB63828B00
- Signature Algorithm: NA
- Issued Date: 2015-06-04T04:04:38
- Expires Date: 2035-06-04T04:04:38
- Issued By:
- Common Name: ISRG Root X1
- Organization: Internet Security Research Group
- Organization Unit: NA
- Country: US
- Locality: NA
- State: NA
- Issued For: ISRG Root X1
- Common Name: Internet Security Research Group
- Organization: NA
- Organization Unit: NA
- Country: US
- Locality: NA
- State: NA
- Chain: 1
- Serial Number: 00B0573E9173972770DBB487CB3A452B38
- Signature Algorithm: NA
- Issued Date: 2024-03-12T17:00:00
- Expires Date: 2027-03-12T15:59:59
- Issued By:
- Common Name: ISRG Root X1
- Organization: Internet Security Research Group
- Organization Unit: NA
- Country: US
- Locality: NA
- State: NA
- Issued For: E6
- Common Name: Let's Encrypt
- Organization: NA
- Organization Unit: NA
- Country: US
- Locality: NA
- State: NA
Verify HTTP/2 Support for nbsventilation.dk
Verifying HTTP/2 Support is crucial as it ensures that the website benefits from the improved speed and efficiency offered by the HTTP/2 protocol. It enables faster loading times, multiplexing, header compression, and enhanced security features, contributing to a better user experience.
nbsventilation.dk's Whois Information
# Hello Your session has been logged. # # Copyright (c) 2002 - 2024 by Punktum dk A/S # # Version: 5.4.0 # # The data in the DK Whois database is provided by Punktum dk A/S # for information purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining # information about or related to a domain name registration record. # We do not guarantee its accuracy. We will reserve the right to remove # access for entities abusing the data, without notice. # # Any use of this material to target advertising or similar activities # are explicitly forbidden and will be prosecuted. Punktum dk A/S # requests to be notified of any such activities or suspicions thereof. Domain: nbsventilation.dk DNS: nbsventilation.dk Registered: 2024-05-06 Expires: 2025-05-05 Registrar: Simply.com A/S Registration period: 1 year VID: no DNSSEC: Signed delegation Status: Active Nameservers Hostname: ns1.simply.com Hostname: ns2.simply.com Hostname: ns3.simply.com # Use option --show-handles to get handle information. # whois -h whois.punktum.dk HELP for more help.
HTTP Headers of nbsventilation.dk
HTTP headers are essential data snippets exchanged between web servers and browsers during online interactions. They convey crucial information about content, security, caching, and server details, impacting website performance and user experience.
Ping Status for nbsventilation.dk
Ping is a network diagnostic tool used that works by sending an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request to a specified interface on the network and waiting for a reply.
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DNS Records for nbsventilation.dk
A Records
DNS A record maps a domain name to an IPv4 address for network communication and web hosting purposes.
Type | Domain | Address | TTL |
A | nbsventilation.dk. | | 600 |
AAAA Records
DNS AAAA records map domain names to IPv6 addresses for network communication and web hosting in the DNS system.
Type | Domain | Address | TTL |
No records found. |
CAA Records
CAA record allows domain owners to specify which certificate authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue SSL/TLS certificates for their domain.
Type | Domain | Record | TTL |
No records found. |
SOA Records
SOA record (Start of Authority) stores administrative information about a DNS zone, including the primary nameserver, contact email, and various timing parameters.
Type | Domain Name | Primary NS | Responsible Email | TTL |
SOA | nbsventilation.dk. | ns1.simply.com. | hostmaster.simply.com. | 14400 |
MX Records
MX records (Mail Exchanger) specify the mail servers responsible for receiving emails for a domain, enabling proper email delivery.
Type | Domain Name | Preference | Address | TTL |
MX | nbsventilation.dk. | 10 | mx.simply.com. | 3600 |
TXT Records
TXT records (Text records) contain additional textual information associated with a domain, commonly used for DNS-based verification, SPF, DKIM, and other purposes.
Type | Domain Name | Record | TTL |
TXT | nbsventilation.dk. | "v=spf1 | 3600 |
NS Records
NS records (Name Server) specify the authoritative DNS servers responsible for a domain, indicating where DNS information can be obtained for that domain.
Type | Domain Name | Canonical Name | TTL |
NS | nbsventilation.dk. | ns1.simply.com. | 3600 |
NS | nbsventilation.dk. | ns3.simply.com. | 3600 |
NS | nbsventilation.dk. | ns2.simply.com. | 3600 |
DNSKEY Records
DNSKEY records store the public key used for DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) to provide authentication and integrity for DNS data.
Type | Domain Name | Algorithm | Protocol | Key | TTL |
DNSKEY | nbsventilation.dk. | 257 | 3 | 3600 |